Thank you for supporting me on my journey of bringing Love, Light and Unity into the world.
Your purchases of merchandise will allow us to create new endeavors of music and video for your enjoyment.
The proceeds from your purchases will be used for studio time, designers, travel, stage clothing, and many other items needed to support the creative process.
Thank you so much for your support!
I have had so much fun creating products for you.
Many of you have requested personalized greetings from me. This card is a way for me to write personal greetings to you.
Card, Ksenia BuzinaFrom: $10.00
Shopping is one of my favorite activities! Here is an accessory to help in your shopping/ traveling adventures. It is made with 50% recycled materials to help take care of Mother Earth.
Bag, 2023 Ksenia Black FaceSuggested price: $40.00
Hydration is very important! I am a hot drink lover (especially coffee). Here is a stainless steel tumbler to keep your cold drinks cold and your hot drinks hot! Using this tumbler will also reduce the use of single use containers.
Tumbler, 2023 Ksenia FaceSuggested price: $40.00
This is my “SuperStar” inspired collection of shirts. They are great for men and women.
Shirt, 2023 T Ksenia Black “I Love You”From: $40.00
Shirt, 2023 T Ksenia FaceFrom: $40.00
Shirt, 2023 T Ksenia Peach “I Love You”From: $40.00
Perhaps you feel that you don’t need any more “Stuff”. If you would like to support me in the creative process you can use this PayPal link… https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EES6C3PZHWJW8
Thank you so very much!