
Event Club

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iMediaTV Partner Subscription

Suggested price: $30.00 / month with a 30-day free trial

What is is a digital hub that supports delivering content, selling physical and virtual products, group memberships, and subscriptions to group memberships. The backend accounting functions facilitate vendor and client reconciliation.

Who can benefit from being on

Anyone that has something to sell or present. In the brick and mortar days would be considered; a store, a venue, a box office, a membership office.

How does it work?

It uses the concept of pages. Each page has its own universal resource locator (URL). Marketing materials have QR codes that direct people to these specific pages. Pages can be many different types; information, movie, video, audio, product, membership, subscription. Anything that can be created in HTML can be created here.


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Mad Scientist Club

Suggested price: $5.00 / month

Established in 1968 in Chris Nibeck’s Chicken Coop, the Mad Scientist Club has practiced using science for fun since it’s inception!

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Photo Video Club

Suggested price: $5.00 for 1 month

The Photo Video Club has three main goals;

  1. Document events and collect the images and videos.
  2. Provide assistance in recording and broadcasting events.
  3. Investigate the feasibility of starting a Live TV Station.

We are running (and paying for) a server on Amazon Web Services.

Please check it out!

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Simple Sales AI

Suggested price: $20.00 / month

System for automating sales and education. This is a pipeline. Each Page, Product, Service, Subscription, Membership, etc. has it’s own URL like This is includes one page and URL with a QR code to take whomever directly to the page.

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Placeholder Credentials Subscription

Suggested price: $20.00 / month

This is your “key” to locked events.  You will be issued a QR code graphic that when scanned will take the security guard to your page with your photo on it. You will also be enrolled in a mailing list that can be put in digest mode with a maximum of one email per day, possibly no emails if there is no activity on the list.

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Artist Merchandise, Streaming, Licensing, and Marketing Subscription

Suggested price: $10.00 for 1 month

The Artist Merchandise, Marketing, and Streaming Subscription opens up new revenue streams for artists of all kinds.

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